Friday, July 31, 2009

Lack of Brain sited for misunderstanding

I'm pretty sure lack of brains is the reason for less then half of Repugs believing Obama was born in the US. Never....never...let facts get in the way of emotional decisions. Why - that would be downright Republican! Ok - some balls. Actually - let's just ignore the stupidity and continue on with our lives pretending that they don't exist. Anyway -for more stupidity read this by Sam Stein from the Huffington Post.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey repugs - he really is a citizen

That's right all of you repugs who still insist that in your own demented little mind and those who can't be bothered by facts that Obama is not a US citizen can now just go away and shut up. Again - the Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino who is repeating himself after October of last year reports...again...that Obama has a US birth certificate! Read more here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Repugs Attempt at slowing down health care reform.

As usual it is the job of Republicans to get in the way of progress and social reform. Gawd forbid we turn into a socialist country like England where their citizens actually care! Here's an article from the Huffington Post by Sam Stein: A private memo distributed by the Republican National Committee calls for like-minded advocates to help defeat President Barack Obama's health care proposals by delaying its consideration.
The memo, which was obtained by the Huffington Post from a Democratic source, provides the clearest illustration to date of the political playbook being used to stop Democratic attempts at a health care overhaul. Much of the material mirrors the speeches and presentations made by conservatives both inside and out of elected office to date. Obama's plan for health care is deemed an "experiment" and a "risk" that could bankrupt the country and dangerously change the doctor-patient relationship. Read the rest here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Palin's son isn't even a republican!

From Rachel Weiner at the Huffington Post:
In an interview with the Washington Times, resigning Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) made a surprising admission: Her own son doesn't belong to the party she represented on the national state last fall. Asked what she would do once she stepped down from her post, Palin told the paper she would campaign for candidates she favored, whatever their party: Read the rest here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

So people should stop being so stinkin’ mean to me

I know - it happened again...two articles about our dear sweet and simple Sarah in one day...but again - it's just too good not to share. And thanks to my friend Stephanie who sends me all the good ones. Little Sarah shares her diary with us: "No one understands me. It’s like I’m speaking some Eskimo dialect or something. Andrea Mitchell follows me all the way to Kanakanak Beach and I get a French manicure and set up this huge photo op for her, even though she spooked the salmon." Read the rest here.

Like Miley Cyrus trying to read Shakespeare

Mark Morford once again shares his insights on the untimely and surprising, yet somehow humorous and just a little bit sad, resignation of Alaska's finest. Go Mark! :I know, I know, we all said we were entirely sick to death of you, Sarah, never wanted to hear another folksy, semi-coherent peep, were hugely grateful that you had mercifully receded like a perky red tide back up to the rural bucolic animal-skinned parts of podunk rusticville from whence you came. I know. Click here for the rest.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Alec Baldwin on Franken.

From today's Huffington Post from Alec Baldwin: "Three things I would like to post here:
One is to offer congratulations to my friend and one-time TV colleague Al Franken, now Senator Franken, for the patience, savvy and perseverance that he has shown in defeating Norm Coleman and winning the US Senate seat in Minnesota. Al is a smart, hardworking man whose fine mind will go a long way toward serving the people of the Land of 10,000 Lakes. More here.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Please Ignore the Palin ads

This is how it works. Google picks up words from my articles and drops in ads. So - if you want to support Sarah Palin - be my guest. But I NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE ADS!. Thank you very much.

The Daily Palin

Maybe I should call this the Daily Palin...cuz she just doesn't stop!!! And now this from the Huffington Post by Geoffrey Dunn: "Oh My God!!! My friends in Alaska are having all the fun: Shannyn Moore and AKMuckraker, legends both, squires of free speech, calling up the spirits of Lexington and Concord on the Fourth of July, no less, and challenging the wannabe Queen of Alaska, "the deranged frostvixen quitterface" (to borrow a phrase from HuffPo's Jason Linkins), and her duplicitous court jester of an attorney, Tommy Van Flein, who apparently fancies himself barrister for the House of more here.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Palin Stepping Down!

Ah yes - and now for our Daily Palin. Apparently little Sarah from Alaska is calling it quits. After Sarah Palin's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week she has announced she will be stepping down in a few weeks. In a press conference called minutes ago, Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin has announced she will not run for re-election and is stepping down as governor. Read it here.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Genius In The Bottle

More on the two lives of Mark Sanford from the New York Times by Maureen Dowd. "As in all great affairs, Mark Sanford fell in love simultaneously with a woman and himself — with the dashing new version of himself he saw in her molten eyes.
In a weepy, gothic unraveling, the South Carolina governor gave a press conference illustrating how smitten he was, not only with his Argentine amante, but with his own tenderness, his own pathos and his own feminine side." More Here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Confirmed: God is slightly gay

Mark Morford is simply delicious.....I am sitting here right now smiling just a little, fondly recalling that famously controversial children's book, the one about the gay penguins. Remember? That positively adorable pair of them, at the Central Park Zoo, who had adopted an abandoned egg and then hatched it themselves and were raising the chick together as a couple, even though the chick was clearly not theirs -- though of course how penguins can actually tell whose kid is whose is still a question. Never mind that now. Click here for the rest.

The Climate Bill is Weak!

From Mother Jones by Steve Broder. "Rep. John Boehner is right: The climate bill is a "piece of sh*t" (that family-values crowd sure has a way with words). But not for the reasons that Orange John asserts. But because the thing is so weak as to make it ridiculous. Here's an assessment of the bill by Dennis Kucinich": And here is the rest: